That the only people who love you un conditionally are your matter how badly you mess up they will accept you..
That despite having 265 numbers on my phonebook and 500+ friends on Facebook, I never call anyone when I am sad, fearing that they will not understand....
That people suffering from heartbreaks don't require sympathy or time....they just require someone to hear them out...
That only those relationships last that are made by choice and not by chance...
That JK Rowling was right in saying - There is an expiry date to blaming your parents....; and i chose yesterday...
That its easier to forgive people than forgiving yourself...
That life is as complicated as you want it to be...Keep it simple...
That self-help books and counsellors don't help till you want to take a stand for your life...
That friends are important but too many of them can make you vulnerable...
That its good to be honest in a relationship but only to the extent that the other person can take it...
That 'love' is one word which is said more often than felt...
That when someone says 'I understand', they really dont but thats long as they're by your side...
That no one is perfect not even if you fall in love with them...
That we are all hypocrits in some way or the other...
That right and wrong are only perspectives...
That prayers are powerful and so I dont risk them...
That no matter how technologically advanced we become, nothing can give you the feeling of opening a new book and smelling it...
That most times I talk are out of need than want...
That when I feel bad and you tell me about other people going through worst situations, it doesn't make me feel any better...
That people I have fought the most with are also the ones I love the most...